Sunday, March 20, 2011

Chicken venture

  I can't believe I how busy we have been here. Sorry for not posting this week but busy is really not the word. This week we were hard at work building a rabbit hutch, getting the new chickens settled in, getting the greenhouse done and Spring cleaning.
  We are gathering 4-5 eggs per day now. This morning we awoke to the chickens wondering around the yard.  mind you , I would rather have our chickens free range at all times but our neighbors have dogs that don't really care to stay in their own yard. So for the safety for our chickens, they must stay in the coop and run or the tractor. But sometime yesterday our daughter had the coop open and somehow bumped her head and in all the commotion forgot to latch the door. Oh well -  chickens were happy as could be in the new garden area - thankful nothing planted yet.


KJ said...

Gotta be careful of those roaming dogs. We had one trying to get into the pen the other week, my heart nearly stopped.

I wantto free range but am too scared at this point, between the bush pythons and dogs I can't. Working on the fencing issue this year so hopefully that will keep most dogs out.

Andrea said...

We tried free-ranging and it just didn't work for us. Between the coyotes, wild dogs, raccoons we were losing chickens left and right. AND they wouldn't stay out of the garden, so they're in the freezer now :)

Bitsy said...

I can't wait to get chickens! I figure we'll have to keep them cooped/in a run because we've got tons of stray dogs and wild animals around here.