Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ready for Spring?

I am. With this winter coming to an end my anxiety tends to get up. I love Spring but with so much to get done I get nervous about what gets done and when.

The garden plots have been plowed for the season when the weather was in the 60's this past week. Now the temps are back in the 40's. Our cabbage, broccolli, and brussle sprout plants are about 2 inches tall. We have vegetable plants every where in our house. Which brings me to our next step. This weekend we will go pick up our greenhouse. I have been waiting for them to go on sale before we use our 20% off coupon to save more money. They are on sale now so Im really excited to be getting it. Can't wait to get the rest of our plants growing.

Our chickens or shall I say one of our chickens seem to be laying an egg a day. They are just about 6 months old. The chicken tractor is done and they have been enjoying sunny days in the yard.

What are you doing to prepare for Spring?


True Texan said...

Our sprouts are all in my kitchen soon as I move them outdoors, I just know it will freeze! Tiny chicks are not so tiny here, and I just want to be sure winter is gone...

Bitsy said...

I ordered some seeds today, and plan to finish reading my gardening book this week (I am a newbie to gardening). Otherwise, the only thing I'm doing to prepare for spring is looking forward to it!