Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sun drenched thurst quencher

Oh how I long to use you. To taste the sweet tea you make with the power of the sun. To place you on the front porch while the sun beats down and the tea is ready by lunch.
Nothing is better then a glass of tea made by the sunshine in the heat of the day. Although we have had cloudy weather for a while now, I am sure it won't be long before your solar tea will touch my lips once more.
Growing up we always had a glass jug brewing tea on the porch. While living in a small town, knowing all our neighbors, it was funny and might I say a game to find our jug of tea disappear from our porch. Only to discover it on our neighbors porch some time later. I remember my mom laughing when she finally seen our tea was now our neighbors. Then she would tell us kids to go get our tea. While now we have moved to a different state, our tea stays on my porch these days. I still laugh every time I put my jug out to brew.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Funny that you posted is supposed to be over 70 and sunny, sunny, sunny tomorrow & I'd planned to try to make my first batch of solar tea tomorrow! Crossing my fingers, I hope it works!